Seeker for the most part for EV Training. Its much harder to find good spots to train against wild Pokémon to raise EVs in FireRed & LeafGreen, so youll need to rely on the Vs. Where To Ev Train In Pokmon Firered & Leafgreen The VS Seeker lets you re-challenge trainers you have already battled, as well as the ones you have not. A couple of notes about the VS Seeker: 1. Pokemon Fire Red/Leaf Green VS Seeker Trainer List v0.60 0 godzilla This is a list of the trainers you can challenge using the VS Seeker in Pokemon Fire Red/Leaf Green. Who Are The Trainers You Can Challenge With The Vs Seeker

The actual number youll get should be much higher than that. Its important to keep in mind that all of the numbers listed above for how many EVs each Pokémon give are their base yield, so thats before any multipliers or bonuses. Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen – Where to find the VS Seeker